Build a 5 Zone alarm Circuit Diagram

This is a complete alarm system with 5 independent zonessuitable for a small office or home environment. It uses just 3CM IC`s and features a timed entry / exit zone, 4 immediatezones and a panic button. There are indicators for each zone a“system armed” indicator. The schematic is as follows:

5 Zone alarm Circuit Diagram

5 Zone alarm Circuit Diagram


Circuit Notes:
Each zone uses a normally closed contact. These can be microswitches or standard alarm contacts (usually reed switches).Suitable switches can be bought from alarm shops and concealed indoor frames, or window ledges.Zone 1 is a timed zone which must be used as the entry andexit point of the building. Zones 2 – 5 are immediate zones,which will trigger the alarm with no delay. Some RF immunity isprovided for long wiring runs by the input capacitors, C1-C5. C7and R14 also form a transient suppresser. The key switch acts asthe Set/Unset and Reset switch. For good security thisshould be the metal type with a key.

At switch on, C6 will charge via R11, this acts as the exitdelay and is set to around 30 seconds. This can be altered byvarying either C6 or R11. Once the timing period has elapsed,LED6 will light, meaning the system is armed. LED6 may be mountedexternally (at the bell box for example) and providesvisual indication that the system has set. Once set any contactthat opens will trigger the alarm, including Zone 1. To preventtriggering the alarm on entry to the building, the concealedre-entry switch must be operated. This will discharge C6 andstart the entry timer. The re-entry switch could be a concealedreed switch, located anywhere in a door frame, but invisibleto the eye. The panic switch, when pressed, will trigger thealarm when set. Relay contacts RLA1 provide the latch, RLA2operate the siren or buzzer.