10A Stabilized Circuit Diagram

This is a heavier power supply that can deliver. 10A stabilized. The circuit is built around a normal 78xx controller, but for extra power equipped with T1.For the 78xx can be taken any type. Keep in mind that the input voltage of the regulator, as the output-voltage. 

3V higher See 78xx power for the available controllers.T1 must be mounted on a large heatsink when installing large capacity decreased.A negative variant of this food can be found here.

 10A Stabilized Circuit Diagram

10A Stabilized Circuit Diagram

Warning: This diet is not short circuit proof.

Parts List

     R1, R2 = 0.18 Ω 5W
     R3 = 2.2 Ω 2W
     C1 = 22000μF
     C2, C3 = 1μF
     B1 = 35A
     T1 = MJ15004
     IC1 = 78xx