Build a 25W Bridge Audio Amplifier with TDA2005

This is the 25W bridge audio amplifier built using single power IC TDA2005. Actually, the TDA2005 is a stereo power amplifier chip. It has two input channels and two output channel and delivers about 10W power output for each channel, since it connected in bridge mode then it will delivering up to 25W audio output. Take a note that the speaker terminals should not conected to the ground and mount the IC on the heatsink to prevent overheating.

 25W Bridge Audio Amplifier with TDA2005 Circuit Diagram

25W Bridge Audio Amplifier with TDA2005
Parts List:
R1 = 120K?
R2,5,6 = 1K?
R3,4 = 12?
R7,8= 1?
C1,5,7 = 220uF/25V
C2,10,11 = 100nF
C3,4 = 2.2uF/25V
C6,8 = 100uF/25V
C9 = 10uF/25V
IC1 = LM2005M / TDA2005