LED light Organ Circuit Diagram

This is a fun circuit that can be at parties, for example. The four LEDs flash to the beat of the music. The light organ responds using a microphone to sound.T1 amplifies the signal from MIC. The sensitivity can be adjusted by P1. T4 controls the LEDs. 

These are preferably LED's with a high light intensity.MIC is a condenser microphone. The circuit can be powered by a 9 V battery.

 LED light Organ Circuit Diagram

 LED light Organ Circuit Diagram

The 4 Budget

This circuit costs about € 6.15.

Parts List

  •      R1 = 10 k
  •      R2 = 330 K?
  •      R3, R6, R13 = 100 k
  •      R4, R8, R11, R14 = 47 Ω
  •      R5, R9, R12 = 1.5 MΩ
  •      R7, R10 = 47 k
  •      P1 = 220 K?
  •      C1, C2, C3 = 100 nF
  •      C4 = 100 uF
  •      D1-D4 = LED
  •      T1, T2, T3 = BC547B
  •      T4 = BC557B
  •      MIC = microphone capsule