Are you having problems with your input Mains supply? That’s common
problem associated with our input mains AC line, where a high and a low
voltage conditions are quite frequently encountered by us. The simple
circuit shown here can be built and installed in you house electrical
board for getting a 24/7 safety from the possible dangerous AC voltage
conditions. The circuit keeps the relay and the wired appliances as long
as the mains input stays within a safe tolerable level and switches the
load OFF the moment a dangerous or unfavorable voltage condition is
sensed by the circuit.
Parts List
R1, R2 = 1K,
P1, P2 = 10K Preset,
T1, T2 = BC547B,
C1 = 100uF/25V,
D1 = 1N4007
RL1 = 12V, SPDT,
TR1 = 0-12V, 500mA
Sourced By: Homemadcircuits
Sourced By: Homemadcircuits