12v Battery Charger Circuit

The circuit may be accustomed charge 12V lead acid batteries.


Pin one of the LM317 IC is that the management pin that is employed to manage the charging voltage, Pin a pair of is that the output at that the charging voltage seems, Pin three is that the input to that the regulated DC offer is given.

The charging voltage and current is controlled by the electronic transistor (Q1), electrical device (R1) and POT (VR1). once the battery is 1st connected to the charging terminals, the present through R1 will increase. This successively will increase the present and voltage from LM317. once the battery is totally charged the charger reduces the charging current and also the battery are charged within the trickle charging mode.

12v Battery Charger Circuit Diagram
12v Battery Charger Circuit

  • The input voltage to the circuit should be a minimum of 3V more than the expected output voltage. luminous flux unit 317 dissipates around 3V throughout its operation. Here I used 18V DC because the input.
  • The charging voltage may be set by victimization the POT (VR1).
  • The luminous flux unit 317 should be mounted on a sink.
  • All capacitors should be rated a minimum of 25V.
  • You'll be able to use crocodilian clips for connecting the battery to the charger.