230 Volt AC To Inverter Switching Circuit Diagram


                  Before three weeks i am introduced  inverter circuit diagram but the circuit not included ac to inverter switching part so today i introducing a 230 Volt Ac to inverer switching circuit diagram .

Circuit showing a inverter switching  . Here i have used  bc 558 ,BC 548 and a relay for making this circuit . 230 volt connected to the base of the transistor Q1.When the power is ON positive volt coming to the base of the transistor so the relay circuit is open and load working in 230 V AC .When the power is OFF ground voltage coming to the base of the transistor so the Base of the Q2 is positive there for the   relay circuit closed and load working in inverter input .Part list and applications are showing below.

Part List

Component No: Value  Usage
R1 100KΩ Emitter Load
R2 10K Ω Base Biasing 
R3180KΩ  Current Limiting 
Q1BC558  Switching  
Q2BC548   Switching 
D1 IN4007   Relay Balancing 
RL112 V  Inverter Switching 


Inverter Switching 

* AC Switching