Simple Electronic Quiz Switch

One of the common  rounds in the  quizzes is the buzzer round. We are describing here a simple electronic circuit that can be used in any test or quiz competition. In this circuit, only four persons can participate,  and  every  participant is assigned a certain number. Whenever a switch is pressed, the circuit locks the remaining three entries. At the same time, an alarm sounds and the designated switch number is displayed on the seven segment LED display.When a player presses his switch, the corresponding output of IC1 goes high. Let us suppose, when switch S1 is pressed, D1 input of IC1 goes low and its corresponding output Q1 goes high. As a result, current passes through D5 to piezo buzzer PZ1, which creates a beep. At the same time, current also passes through diodes D6-D7 to show the number on the LED display.

Circuit diagram:
Simple Electronic Quiz Switch Circuit Diagram
Simple Electronic Quiz Switch Circuit Diagram

Similarly, when any other switch (S2-S4) is pressed, the corresponding  number  gets  displayed  on  seven segment displaying DIS1 and buzzer sounds. Switch S5 is used to reset the display exclusively. Switch S5 is a push to on switch. The circuit is powered by 9V battery. Assemble the circuit on a general purpose PCB and enclose it in a suitable  case along with seven segment display and piezo buzzer. The assembled circuit can be kept near the host and the switches connected through the external can be assigned to the players.